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Proteus Theatre present


Sat 21 Sep 2024

Catherine Shaw spent the 90s shocking the art world with her provocative performance art. She’s always called herself a feminist, but looking back through the lens of #MeToo, she's questioning how much she enabled the culture she now sees being called out.

An ambitious Curator approaches her to put together an exhibition of female Artists at a major new gallery; a scandal breaks and unwittingly caught in the centre, she begins to question everything.

When men behave in unacceptable ways, why do we always point to the women close to them and ask why they did nothing?

Can we, and should we, separate the art from the artist? How far do the ripples of consequence spread? And why is it always women who must hold the moral space?

I’m tired, I’m tired of trying to play the system, I’m tired of trying to fight the system and I’m tired of feeling tired about it.”

‘Indestructible’ takes in uncompromising female Artists, from Lee Miller to the Guerrilla Girls via Sinead O’Connor and Taylor Swift, to ask: why is it still so difficult for female Artists to succeed? And why are women always the Muse, never the Artist?


Read more here: Indestructible: 2024 tour preview – Proteus (proteustheatre.com)

Meet the actors

Mary Rose

Plays Catherine

Danny Charles

Plays Christian

Paul Huntley Thomas

Plays Robin